SGA Title I Spring Meeting

SGA Families, Community Members, and Stakeholders:
We would love to have you join us on April 21st at 10:00 AM in the cafeteria for our Spring Title I Input Meeting. We will be discussing our School Compact, Parent Engagement Plan, and planning Title I events for next year!  We value your input and would be so happy to have you on our team!

Title I is the largest federally funded program for elementary, middle and high
• It is part of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
• The purpose of Title I under the ESSA is to ensure that ALL children have a
fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and
reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic
achievement standards and state academic assessments.
• Title I Schools are determined by the percentage of students receiving free or
reduced lunch.
What are some benefits of being a Title I School?
Cotton Indian Elementary will increase student achievement by engaging and
empowering parents, as well as other stakeholders, to become actively involved
in their children’s education. The focus is on helping ALL students meet the
same high standards expected of ALL children.
Goal achieved through:
• Federal Funds for extra educational services
• Lead Instructional Teacher
• Title I Teachers
• Parent Involvement/Engagement Programs
• Parent/Family Resource Room offers free resources for parents and families.
Value of Parent Input 
It is the law: Title I requires that parents are to be “afforded substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.” All parents of eligible Title I children must be provided the opportunity to provide feedback and input into and on Title I budgets, plans, and compacts. • Parents work more closely with their children than other adults can • Involved parents not only help their own child, but ALL children in a school • Parents are the only adults in the education process who have been and will continue to be deeply involved throughout the child’s school career • Parents provide critical input that only they can bring; they know their child better than anyone else • While parents may not be educators themselves, they bring their years of experience in other professions and aspects of life to the process