Use your teacher-created class code to read electronic books.
Select ebooks to read from the SGA Elementary school library.
Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
User name: sgaes Password: read
- You can keep the "School/Library Name" blank
- Enter MackinVIA User ID: sgaelementaryschool
- Enter MackinVIA Password: sgaelementaryschool
Use this link to take:
1. Accelerated Reader test
2. STAR Reading Test
3. STAR Math Test
You may request up to 2 library books. Unfortunately virtual students are currently not allowed to check out library books.
Use this link to find out if the book that you would like to read has an Accelerated Reader test available. This site will also give you the quiz number, reading level and the number of points that can be earned when taking an AR test.